Let's Journey Together

You were not meant to walk alone.

Plan a visit. We would love for you and a guest to visit and worship with us.

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

-Matthew 28:19-20

Watch Our LIVE Sunday Service.

Start Time – Sundays @ 10:00AM


Building Accountability, Which Brings Alignment, That Leads To The Anointing

Welcome all and thanks for visiting. We are living to tell what Jesus died to say so no matter where you are on your spiritual journey we want to encourage, uplift and inspire you to pursue HOPE through God's love.

At Hope of Glory, we BELIEVE there is no substitute for the power, presence and purpose of God. For this reason, we minister to the whole person seeking to develop believers mentally, spiritually and physically as we declare and decree the gospel of Christ and God’s unfailing love. We have this, “Hope of Glory,” by the witness of our testimony and the truth of God’s unchanging word. Until our dying day we will share His message of Hope because we know that Christ in us is, the "Hope of Glory."


We create strong leadership from within

You’re invited to share this faith filled journey with us as God infuses us all with His power, dominion and authority no matter what we may face. We are honored that you visited our website and please stay connected to this site for empowering content and resources to strengthen your walk with Christ.

A Place That You Can Call Home. 

A Place That You Can Call Home. 

A Place That You Can Call Home. 

A Place That You Can Call Home. 

A Place That You Can Call Home. 

A Place That You Can Call Home.